Thursday 22 May 2008

Woodsmoke and flowers

The morning smells of woodsmoke, a curiously autumnal start to the day. The season is fading now, but we do not mourn spring's passing the way we regret summer's ending because the days are getting longer and warmer. But still, from the point of view of these observations, something is coming to an end.

The days have started cool and sunny recently, with a vague mist on the other side of the valley. But then the skies have clouded over and the days have turned cooler and greyer, as if going to sleep after a bright start. The endless cycle of the wild flowers intrigues me; crocuses gave way to daffodils which gave way to anemones and bluebells, and now dandelions are giving way to more summery flowers like daisies and buttercups. It is cool at night still - cool enough for the fire - but the season is coming to an end.

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